Manaless dredge 2017
Manaless dredge 2017

manaless dredge 2017

It's niche, but anything going past the first few turns this ends up being something that can create inevitability, even in the face of grave hate.ĮDIT #2: I'm not 100% sure what it's interaction with Grafdigger's Cage would be. You end up with some value afterwards that you wouldn't normally get. It's just a cool card that may have been overlooked.ĮDIT: Tricks with Tormod are also a possibility, as in using Surgical/Faerie Macabre on your own cards to counter your opponent's Surgical/Cling to Dust. I'm not saying its great, I'm not even advocating for Tormod's inclusion. More than anything it's a thought experiment, something to just discuss. In that sense Tormod can be something that increases threat density that can overwhelm meaningful non-graveyard interaction. They may try and grind through it so they have the Force for Balustrade Spy, Thassa's Oracle, etc. One angle is that if you DR a Tormod, opponent's might not be inclined to counter it with Force of Will/Negation.

manaless dredge 2017

The tokens entering tapped makes this a little awkward as well. Hogaak has his own built-in Reanimate though while Tormod does not. Both are legendary, both are cards that support a more aggro approach rather than a combo approach. I think the more appropriate comparison would be Hogaak. And I rarely flooded cuz I only put 18-19 land in a deck.The low-hanging fruit is Stifle, which completely hoses all of those win conditions save Syr Konrad, and honestly there may not be any other reasons. Of course in the good ole days, A Black Lotus, Ruby Mox, Emerald Mox, Sol Ring, and BirdsOfParadise saved us from screw. Sometimes I'm like it and go into ranked with 22-23, and it'll screw me just to show whose boss. I can build a well oiled, well rounded machine but as soon as I toss out 1 or 2 unnecessary lands the game starts slamming my deck rating. 15-25 decks, own around 20-25% of the games cards. Duels is dead set on 24 being the sweet spot from what I can tell, I've built several lev. That being said, the Digi-Shuffle in Duels makes me wanna throw the computer out the window at times.I like making functional decks with anywhere from 16 - 22 lands or so. I played a lot of Magic when I was younger and it was a brand new game, say 93' - 94'ish.Real life decks can also flood and screw too of course even after much fine tuning.

Manaless dredge 2017